Introduce of Dancewoods Animal
Dancewoods have 4 alpacas which are Coco,Lulu,Fifi and Lala,Alpacas look a bit like sheep, but are larger than sheep, is a kind of lovely animal.Alpacas are highly gregarious animals that are easy to keep and care for.
The capybara is the largest rodent in the world and semi-aquatic herbivore.They like to live in dense forests close to water.Capybaras are highly social animals,feeding mainly on grasses,aquatic plants,bark and fruits.
Call duck
Call ducks are mainly used in exhibitions as ornamental birds or kept as pets.The breed feeds on aquatic invertebrates, aquatic vegetation, insects, larvae, grains, and seeds.Call ducks also interact well with children, thanks to their size. Once tamed, they are friendly and amusing to watch.
Meerkat is the only species of the genus Meerkat, which belongs to the carnivorous order Meerkatidae.They come from the Kalahari Desert in South Africa,Namibia and southwestern Angola.Meerkats also have slender trunks and limbs, they use tail support for balance when standing.Meerkat has black patches around its eyes and small,black,crescent-shaped ears ,look very cute.